Monday, April 2, 2012

It's Potty Time!!

For the past week, I have been requesting the book "Potty Time" every night before bed.  This weekend Mom & Dad got me my very own potty chair which was fun to look at for a day, then fun to sit on before the bath last night.  But today, after dinner, I went pee on the potty!!  The best part was getting to wear a princess pull-up (and the M&Ms I got as a reward).

Here's a picture of me admiring my princess pull-up and the pee in the potty:
I really liked those princess much that when Dad made me put on a baby diaper for bed, I threw a fit and cried for about 10 minutes saying "daddy take my princess"

Sunday, March 11, 2012

I'm a busy girl, what can I say?!

I know, I promised to post more frequently, but once again I failed.  Whatever, let's not judge, let's just move on and get a good quarterly update on my life shall we?

Christmas was awesome, Santa was NOT.  Honestly, who wants to sit on some old man's lap that you do not know with his freakishly long beard and obnoxious red velvet suit?  This has to be one of the strangest traditions in existence...  Nevertheless, I now understand that this photo ultimately resulted in me getting a slide, some Minnie Mouse PJs (which I promptly put on - over top my other jammies) and a harmonica among other things!

Post-Christmas, Mom signed us up for gymnastics class which is super fun.  I am learning to jump (with both feet off the ground), walk on the balance beam, do somersaults and swing from the bars.

Turns out that slide I got for Christmas is slippery.  I was climbing up and slipped which made me hit my chin on the step resulting in a fair amount of blood and a nasty scab that is taking forever to heal.  For such a nasty looking mark, there was actually very little crying...I'm tough like that

I have a strange knack for getting in things that are too small for me.  Jackson and I like to pull each other around the house in a toy wagon (made for toys, not actually for people) I tried to ride my toy giraffe (why not?) and when I stayed at Uncle Mike's house, I tried to climb into Madalynn's doll house - head first.

My vocabulary has taken off lately.  I will attempt to say pretty much anything, and most things get pretty close.  I have a few famous phrases/words:
"I do it" (leave me alone - I can do everything myself)
"Mommy/Daddy r u" (where are you)
"Jacksy" (Jackson)
"Mines" (that's mine - back off immediately)
"Roll call, Donald, Goofy, Minnie, Mickey" (intro to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse)
remote in hand "Mickey on" (I want to watch Mickey)

I just moved up a class at school.  My new teacher is Ms. Dianne who loves me and couldn't wait for me to get into her class!  She has been teaching me my shapes and she lets me play with the baby dolls all day!  I am having so much fun with the big kids (2-2.5 year olds).  I also love to color and draw - we do lots of art projects in Ms. Dianne's room.

Well, there you have it.  I will make no false promises of the next blog update, but will make every effort to do better...Who knows what I'll be up to when you check back next?!

Monday, December 12, 2011

I've changed, but I'm still no good at blogging...

So, I'm getting bigger and smarter every day, but I still can't get the hang of this blog.  I continually forget to update my fans on my life.  It seems that my parents have been using facebook too much and forgetting to take my dictations on life to the blog...but alas, we're back in action

Things I love:
Slides, M&Ms, Music and Dancing, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Sucking my thumb, lamby/froggy/z/blankie, bubbles, Peek-a-boo, Eating, Taking my shirt off (hopefully I outgrow that)

Things I do not love:
Bows in my hair, People taking things away from me, my car seat, sitting still, getting new teeth, pooping (sorry, but everything has to be noted for history's sake)

Some of the words I can say:
Momma, Daddy, No, Yes, Up, More, Meow, Wawa (water), Cup, Mooo (cow), Neigh (horse), Quack (duck), Roar (dinosaur), Nite-Nite, Bye, Apple, Cheese, Shoes, Bubbles, yellow, mine,

I started Beginning Steps this fall at school and my teacher is Miss Megan.  She says I'm very smart, real funny and super cute!  Here I am with Jackson on the first day of school:

Thanks for checking back!  I promise to update more regularly.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

2nd Cousins Weekend + 1st Haircut

I survived my second cousins weekend at Grandmom and Granddad's house.  This year was so much more fun than last I can get in the pool, eat way more fun food and run around playing with the other kids!  I loved being in the pool (with Dad) and I liked running around the big house.  I was very intrigued by Grandmom's wine cellar too (apparently that runs in the family).

These last two pictures are of my very first haircut.  The mullet was getting serious and become less cute and more embarrassing, so Dad suggested maybe it was time for a haircut.  It wasn't nearly as traumatic as I expected - I didn't even cry!  I moved around a lot and Mom had to put me on her lap, but otherwise I behaved quite well considering some stranger had sharp scissors by my head.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

It's Official...I'm a toddler!!

As promised, I waited until Dad got home from Australia to really take off walking.  On Wednesday June 8th (about an hour after Dad picked me up from school), I walked across the room.  For the next couple days I was up and down and by the weekend I was fully upright and in motion!  Now, one week later it's like I've been walking forever (although I do still fall down a lot).

Sunday, June 5, 2011

One step, two step, three step...stalled

I officially took steps on Wednesday May 25th when Dad picked me up at school.  I promptly repeated the two step for Mom much to everyone's delight.  I fully expected I'd take off running within days so I have been delaying this update with hopes of huge news, but alas I remain stalled at about 3 steps.  I can stand up by myself for a long time and I can get up in the middle of the room to stand alone as well.  So, truth be told, I'm just slow playing this walking deal, waiting for Dad to get back from Australia so he doesn't feel like he missed out on any milestones.  :)

Now that it's warm outside I get to play in water which is awesome.  We had a water table on the deck that Jackson and I splashed around in the other day and then yesterday I got to go swimming in a real big pool at Grandmom and Graddad's house.  It was a good thing people were holding onto me because I would have just jumped into the water because I was so excited to play and splash.  I got to ride in a floating car too.

I had my one-year check up the other day...suckville as usual.  Three shots and one of them was in the back of my arm which was horrible.  Despite my constant snacking and good appetite, I'm only 18 pounds, 5 oz (10th percentile) but I'm 28" tall (holding strong in the 25th percentile).  

I do have some other new tricks, talents and tantrums...My vocabulary now includes "uh-oh" and "row, row" (for row, row, row your boat).  I can wave bye-bye, I can clap my hands and I'm learning body parts - I'm pretty good with nose and mouth so far.  Since my words are still limited I discovered screaming - it's very effective in that people will hand me things to make me stop shrieking.  I've started pointing while screaming which seems to get me things I want faster than no pointing.  My hair is finally starting to grow in, but it looks like a mess most days because the back is stuck at an odd length and the front seems to only grow in the middle so I'm basically sporting a fohawk...too bad that's only in fashion for boys.

Well, Dad comes home on Wednesday so look for an update later in the week where I'll be walking!  ;)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

I'm ONE!!

Well, loyal followers, it's been a year! This weekend was amazing - I turned one on Saturday and had a fun party. I've already mastered the art of ripping wrapping paper, but somehow once I open the presents I immediately lose them to Jackson...

Although I got a ton of awesome presents, my favorite was the pink princess car. We took it outside for a spin today which was really fun.

Thanks to everyone who came to help me celebrate. I'm anticipating another blog post very soon to let you all know that I learned how to walk - I'm sooooo close. I can stand for a long time all by myself and I can basically run around the house with tow mater, so it's just a matter of days before I take off on my own.